April 1, 2024
It’s not too late to be happier in 2024
With the end of March, we have completed the first quarter of the year by the traditional (Gregorian) calendar. It can be the perfect time to pause and assess whether we’ve been active participants in our year thus far. If you’re feeling less than jazzed about the year thus far, just remember that by other counts, the year is just beginning. Spring is springing, and today is a new chance to start again.
Many of our annual goals center around wellness - both physical and mental. When it comes to big topics like mental and emotional wellbeing and fitness, though, those are big goals without clearly actionable to-dos on a day-to-day basis.
So, if you made a big goal like being happier in 2024, one way to make more progress on this goal is to break it down into bite sized chunks, like this:
Participating in this practice will make you happier, more connected, more motivated, and even less likely to die of heart disease and stroke (really! Having poor social connections is linked to a 29 percent increased risk of heart disease and a 32 percent increased risk of stroke).
Want to get started?
Think about the people who have made a difference in your life during the past three months. Whether it's family, friends, colleagues, or mentors, take the time to express your gratitude for their support, encouragement, and presence in your life.
I'd love to hear how this resonates with you. Does taking some of the pressure off big annual goals and taking bite-sized chunks toward social fitness feel right? Feel free to hit reply and share your insights with me.
As always, thank you for being part of the HiLU mission. Have a fantastic spring!